Polkadot Decoded here we come.

26 Jun 2023, 16:56
💫 Polkadot Decoded here we come! Whether you're attending live in Copenhagen or virtually, join us and hear from Derek Yoo & Alberto Viera later this week. 🎟️ Register: https://polkadot.network/ecosystem/events/decoded-2023/ Read on for talk details 👇 Talk: Polkadot as a Web3 Cloud. Listen in for a discussion with Derek Yoo on the present & future state of cross-chain use cases enabled by Moonbeam and an exploration of positioning Polkadot as an ideal backend Web3 cloud to power cross-chain user experiences. Wednesday, June 28 | 11:20 AM (Europe/Berlin) 📍 Main Stage 🔗 https://events.polkadot.network/event/polkadot-decoded-2023/planning/UGxhbm5pbmdfMTQxMDAyNA== Talk: XCM: Computed Origins for Cross-Chain Execution. In this talk, Alberto Viera will go through how XCM can be leveraged for cross-chain executions & how to call Moonbeam's EVM remotely via computed origins. The goal of the presentation is to showcase how XCM can be used for remote execution between parachains. Wednesday, June 28 | 2:20 PM (Europe/Berlin) 📍 Tech Stage 🔗 https://events.polkadot.network/event/polkadot-decoded-2023/planning/UGxhbm5pbmdfMTQwODA4NQ== -