Referendum for creation of the Technical Committee, as part of OpenGov on Moonriver, is up to vote.

21 Mar 2023, 22:34
Referendum 3️⃣ for creation of the Technical Committee, as part of OpenGov on Moonriver, is up to vote! Committee consists of members with technical knowledge of Moonriver/Moonbeam & has power to whitelist proposals on the WL track. 🗳️ Vote: The Technical Committee serves to help make well-informed decisions on a technical basis. It also helps safeguard the network in the case a proposal moves to referendum that is not technically sound, or there is an immediate need for a network upgrade that must be fast-tracked. Members of the committee are subject to governance and can be added or removed from through governance in the Root Track. 📖 Learn more about the TC’s role in governance: 💬 Join the community forum to weigh-in on community discussion and see who the first technical committee members are: -